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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "c.h"
- #include "expr.h"
- #include "gen.h"
- #include "cglbdec.h"
- /*
- * 68000 C compiler
- *
- * Copyright 1984, 1985, 1986 Matthew Brandt.
- * all commercial rights reserved.
- *
- * This compiler is intended as an instructive tool for personal use. Any
- * use for profit without the written consent of the author is prohibited.
- *
- * This compiler may be distributed freely for non-commercial use as long
- * as this notice stays intact. Please forward any enhancements or questions
- * to:
- *
- * Matthew Brandt
- * Box 920337
- * Norcross, Ga 30092
- */
- extern struct amode push[], pop[];
- /*
- * this module will step through the parse tree and find all
- * optimizable expressions. at present these expressions are
- * limited to expressions that are valid throughout the scope
- * of the function. the list of optimizable expressions is:
- *
- * constants
- * global and static addresses
- * auto addresses
- * contents of auto addresses.
- *
- * contents of auto addresses are valid only if the address is
- * never referred to without dereferencing.
- *
- * scan will build a list of optimizable expressions which
- * opt1 will replace during the second optimization pass.
- */
- static struct cse *olist; /* list of optimizable expressions */
- equalnode(node1, node2)
- /*
- * equalnode will return 1 if the expressions pointed to by
- * node1 and node2 are equivalent.
- */
- struct enode *node1, *node2;
- { if( node1 == 0 || node2 == 0 )
- return 0;
- if( node1->nodetype != node2->nodetype )
- return 0;
- if( (node1->nodetype == en_icon || node1->nodetype == en_labcon ||
- node1->nodetype == en_nacon || node1->nodetype == en_autocon) &&
- node1->v.i == node2->v.i )
- return 1;
- if( lvalue(node1) && equalnode(node1->v.p[0], node2->v.p[0]) )
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- struct cse *searchnode(node)
- /*
- * searchnode will search the common expression table for an entry
- * that matches the node passed and return a pointer to it.
- */
- struct enode *node;
- { struct cse *csp;
- csp = olist;
- while( csp != 0 ) {
- if( equalnode(node,csp->exp) )
- return csp;
- csp = csp->next;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- struct enode *copynode(node)
- /*
- * copy the node passed into a new enode so it wont get
- * corrupted during substitution.
- */
- struct enode *node;
- { struct enode *temp;
- if( node == 0 )
- return 0;
- temp = xalloc(sizeof(struct enode));
- temp->nodetype = node->nodetype;
- temp->v.p[0] = node->v.p[0];
- temp->v.p[1] = node->v.p[1];
- return temp;
- }
- enternode(node,duse)
- /*
- * enternode will enter a reference to an expression node into the
- * common expression table. duse is a flag indicating whether or not
- * this reference will be dereferenced.
- */
- struct enode *node;
- int duse;
- { struct cse *csp;
- if( (csp = searchnode(node)) == 0 ) { /* add to tree */
- csp = xalloc(sizeof(struct cse));
- csp->next = olist;
- csp->uses = 1;
- csp->duses = (duse != 0);
- csp->exp = copynode(node);
- csp->voidf = 0;
- olist = csp;
- return csp;
- }
- ++(csp->uses);
- if( duse )
- ++(csp->duses);
- return csp;
- }
- struct cse *voidauto(node)
- /*
- * voidauto will void an auto dereference node which points to
- * the same auto constant as node.
- */
- struct enode *node;
- { struct cse *csp;
- csp = olist;
- while( csp != 0 ) {
- if( lvalue(csp->exp) && equalnode(node,csp->exp->v.p[0]) ) {
- if( csp->voidf )
- return 0;
- csp->voidf = 1;
- return csp;
- }
- csp = csp->next;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- scanexpr(node,duse)
- /*
- * scanexpr will scan the expression pointed to by node for optimizable
- * subexpressions. when an optimizable expression is found it is entered
- * into the tree. if a reference to an autocon node is scanned the
- * corresponding auto dereferenced node will be voided. duse should be
- * set if the expression will be dereferenced.
- */
- struct enode *node;
- { struct cse *csp, *csp1;
- int n;
- if( node == 0 )
- return;
- switch( node->nodetype ) {
- case en_icon:
- case en_labcon:
- case en_nacon:
- enternode(node,duse);
- break;
- case en_autocon:
- if( (csp = voidauto(node)) != 0 ) {
- csp1 = enternode(node,duse);
- csp1->uses = (csp1->duses += csp->uses);
- }
- else
- enternode(node,duse);
- break;
- case en_b_ref:
- case en_w_ref:
- case en_l_ref:
- if( node->v.p[0]->nodetype == en_autocon ) {
- csp = enternode(node,duse);
- if( csp->voidf )
- scanexpr(node->v.p[0],1);
- }
- else
- scanexpr(node->v.p[0],1);
- break;
- case en_cbl: case en_cwl:
- case en_cbw: case en_uminus:
- case en_compl: case en_ainc:
- case en_adec: case en_not:
- scanexpr(node->v.p[0],duse);
- break;
- case en_asadd: case en_assub:
- case en_add: case en_sub:
- scanexpr(node->v.p[0],duse);
- scanexpr(node->v.p[1],duse);
- break;
- case en_mul: case en_div:
- case en_lsh: case en_rsh:
- case en_mod: case en_and:
- case en_or: case en_xor:
- case en_lor: case en_land:
- case en_eq: case en_ne:
- case en_gt: case en_ge:
- case en_lt: case en_le:
- case en_asmul: case en_asdiv:
- case en_asmod: case en_aslsh:
- case en_asrsh: case en_asand:
- case en_asor: case en_cond:
- case en_void: case en_assign:
- scanexpr(node->v.p[0],0);
- scanexpr(node->v.p[1],0);
- break;
- case en_fcall:
- scanexpr(node->v.p[0],1);
- scanexpr(node->v.p[1],0);
- break;
- }
- }
- scan(block)
- /*
- * scan will gather all optimizable expressions into the expression
- * list for a block of statements.
- */
- struct snode *block;
- { while( block != 0 ) {
- switch( block->stype ) {
- case st_return:
- case st_expr:
- opt4(&block->exp);
- scanexpr(block->exp,0);
- break;
- case st_while:
- case st_do:
- opt4(&block->exp);
- scanexpr(block->exp,0);
- scan(block->s1);
- break;
- case st_for:
- opt4(&block->label);
- scanexpr(block->label,0);
- opt4(&block->exp);
- scanexpr(block->exp,0);
- scan(block->s1);
- opt4(&block->s2);
- scanexpr(block->s2,0);
- break;
- case st_if:
- opt4(&block->exp);
- scanexpr(block->exp,0);
- scan(block->s1);
- scan(block->s2);
- break;
- case st_switch:
- opt4(&block->exp);
- scanexpr(block->exp,0);
- scan(block->s1);
- break;
- case st_case:
- scan(block->s1);
- break;
- }
- block = block->next;
- }
- }
- exchange(c1)
- /*
- * exchange will exchange the order of two expression entries
- * following c1 in the linked list.
- */
- struct cse **c1;
- { struct cse *csp1, *csp2;
- csp1 = *c1;
- csp2 = csp1->next;
- csp1->next = csp2->next;
- csp2->next = csp1;
- *c1 = csp2;
- }
- int desire(csp)
- /*
- * returns the desirability of optimization for a subexpression.
- */
- struct cse *csp;
- { if( csp->voidf || (csp->exp->nodetype == en_icon &&
- csp->exp->v.i < 16 && csp->exp->v.i >= 0))
- return 0;
- if( lvalue(csp->exp) )
- return 2 * csp->uses;
- return csp->uses;
- }
- int bsort(list)
- /*
- * bsort implements a bubble sort on the expression list.
- */
- struct cse **list;
- { struct cse *csp1, *csp2;
- int i;
- csp1 = *list;
- if( csp1 == 0 || csp1->next == 0 )
- return 0;
- i = bsort( &(csp1->next));
- csp2 = csp1->next;
- if( desire(csp1) < desire(csp2) ) {
- exchange(list);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- allocate()
- /*
- * allocate will allocate registers for the expressions that have
- * a high enough desirability.
- */
- { struct cse *csp;
- struct enode *exptr;
- int datareg, addreg, mask, rmask, i;
- struct amode *ap, *ap2;
- datareg = 3;
- addreg = 10;
- mask = 0;
- rmask = 0;
- while( bsort(&olist) ); /* sort the expression list */
- csp = olist;
- while( csp != 0 ) {
- if( desire(csp) < 3 )
- csp->reg = -1;
- else if( csp->duses > csp->uses / 4 && addreg < 14 )
- csp->reg = addreg++;
- else if( datareg < 8 )
- csp->reg = datareg++;
- else
- csp->reg = -1;
- if( csp->reg != -1 )
- {
- rmask = rmask | (1 << (15 - csp->reg));
- mask = mask | (1 << csp->reg);
- }
- csp = csp->next;
- }
- if( mask != 0 )
- gen_code(op_movem,4,make_mask(rmask),push);
- save_mask = mask;
- csp = olist;
- while( csp != 0 ) {
- if( csp->reg != -1 )
- { /* see if preload needed */
- exptr = csp->exp;
- if( !lvalue(exptr) || (exptr->v.p[0]->v.i > 0) )
- {
- initstack();
- ap = gen_expr(exptr,F_ALL,4);
- if( csp->reg < 8 )
- ap2 = makedreg(csp->reg);
- else
- ap2 = makeareg(csp->reg - 8);
- gen_code(op_move,4,ap,ap2);
- freeop(ap);
- }
- }
- csp = csp->next;
- }
- }
- repexpr(node)
- /*
- * repexpr will replace all allocated references within an expression
- * with tempref nodes.
- */
- struct enode *node;
- { struct cse *csp;
- if( node == 0 )
- return;
- switch( node->nodetype ) {
- case en_icon:
- case en_nacon:
- case en_labcon:
- case en_autocon:
- if( (csp = searchnode(node)) != 0 )
- if( csp->reg > 0 ) {
- node->nodetype = en_tempref;
- node->v.i = csp->reg;
- }
- break;
- case en_b_ref:
- case en_w_ref:
- case en_l_ref:
- if( (csp = searchnode(node)) != 0 ) {
- if( csp->reg > 0 ) {
- node->nodetype = en_tempref;
- node->v.i = csp->reg;
- }
- else
- repexpr(node->v.p[0]);
- }
- else
- repexpr(node->v.p[0]);
- break;
- case en_cbl: case en_cbw:
- case en_cwl: case en_uminus:
- case en_not: case en_compl:
- case en_ainc: case en_adec:
- repexpr(node->v.p[0]);
- break;
- case en_add: case en_sub:
- case en_mul: case en_div:
- case en_mod: case en_lsh:
- case en_rsh: case en_and:
- case en_or: case en_xor:
- case en_land: case en_lor:
- case en_eq: case en_ne:
- case en_lt: case en_le:
- case en_gt: case en_ge:
- case en_cond: case en_void:
- case en_asadd: case en_assub:
- case en_asmul: case en_asdiv:
- case en_asor: case en_asand:
- case en_asmod: case en_aslsh:
- case en_asrsh: case en_fcall:
- case en_assign:
- repexpr(node->v.p[0]);
- repexpr(node->v.p[1]);
- break;
- }
- }
- repcse(block)
- /*
- * repcse will scan through a block of statements replacing the
- * optimized expressions with their temporary references.
- */
- struct snode *block;
- { while( block != 0 ) {
- switch( block->stype ) {
- case st_return:
- case st_expr:
- repexpr(block->exp);
- break;
- case st_while:
- case st_do:
- repexpr(block->exp);
- repcse(block->s1);
- break;
- case st_for:
- repexpr(block->label);
- repexpr(block->exp);
- repcse(block->s1);
- repexpr(block->s2);
- break;
- case st_if:
- repexpr(block->exp);
- repcse(block->s1);
- repcse(block->s2);
- break;
- case st_switch:
- repexpr(block->exp);
- repcse(block->s1);
- break;
- case st_case:
- repcse(block->s1);
- break;
- }
- block = block->next;
- }
- }
- opt1(block)
- /*
- * opt1 is the externally callable optimization routine. it will
- * collect and allocate common subexpressions and substitute the
- * tempref for all occurrances of the expression within the block.
- *
- * optimizer is currently turned off...
- */
- struct snode *block;
- {
- olist = 0;
- scan(block); /* collect expressions */
- allocate(); /* allocate registers */
- repcse(block); /* replace allocated expressions */
- }